
Fantasy Legend:War of Contract

Fantasy 3D strategy turn-based RPG Fantasy Legend: War of Contract is coming around the world![Game ……
Fantasy Legend:War of Contract是一款有趣的苹果策略游戏,喜欢Fantasy Legend:War of Contract的朋友赶紧扫码下载吧!


fantasy 3D strategy turn-based RPG fantasy Legend: War of contract is coming around the world!

[Game Intro]

fantasy Legend: War of contract is a fantasy 3D turn-based strategy game wITh film-like cG and visuals. Packed wITh more than 200,000 words of original stories and historical settings,IT can be called as A playable and lively story book.

Hundreds of spirITas to select,win battles wITh your strategy!

Dazzling wings and exquisITe costume,unique to none!

Real-time global PVP,fight anytime as you wish!

Brand new AR function,touch your fantasy spirITas in realITy!

[Game features]

1. A Lively story Book to be Opened

WITh film-like cG and visuals,the game features more than 200,000 words of original story. ITs based on a grand world view and hundreds of spITITas stories from the very beginning of the creation of the world by two Gods,to the era when balance broke up by the immoderate exploITation of element power. contract war is about to break up among the Human,the Elf and the cyborg.

The fate of the Artys cITy is tightly held by the contracter. secrets inside the open designed mAIn cITy is to be discovered by you.

2. Hundreds of choices

More than 100 spirITas wITh four elements attribute: Water,fire,Earth and Wind.

17 types of career ITems for spirITas.

Various wings and fashion costumes which may add to the stats of your spirITas.

3. InfinITe strategy PossibilITy!

spirITas are divided into 4 elements and different fighting roles. There are totally 17 types of career gears. The variety of combinations of spirITas and gears make the battle style to a maximum. Win wITh strategy!

Attack or Defence,maximum crITical damage or full armor,all decided by you!

create different group combination to battle different enemies by strategy!

4. Global PVP and Guild Battle!

Enjoy real-time battle PVP wITh players all over the world!

fight for your own guilds honor in Guild Battle and enjoy the rewards.

challenge variety of difficult dungeons and Bosses for rare ITems.

To save time,you can also use sweep coupon. Easy to gAIn endless resources and ITems!

5. Unique AR function

WITh 360deg; panorama free view,you can summon your spirITas to the realITy,crossing the boundary between fantasy and realITy and take photos wITh them!

6. Rich Resources and Welfare

GAIn epic spirITa (4-star) in the 2nd day and legendary spirITa (5-star) in the 7th day for fREE.

free VIP rewards AVAIlable for all players.

No joystick! At least one epic spirITa is guaranteed in every ten summon.

Multiple ways to collect legendary spirITa just by dAIly Quest.

contact us:

facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fantasyLegend.UnlockGame/

EmAIl: service@unlock.game

